Little Dancers with BIG Dreams

​Est. 2004

Torrie's Academy of Dance 

Limitless Dance Company 

Hair for Recital/Picture Day 2024

Makeup for picture day and recital 

Makeup suggested-

  • liquid foundation to match skin color
  • Powder to match skin color
  • Blush - red worn very heavy on the skin
  • brown and cream eyeshadow 
  • black eyeliner - line both top and bottom lid
  • black mascara
  • false eyelashes (suggested for performance but not mandatory)
  • Lip color - Red  Lipstick (Revlon Colorstay is the BEST)

Hair for picture day and recital 

All Ballet Classes (except Kinder ballet)- 

har parted down the middle with low bun

Kinder ballet- 

High bun 

Kinder Tap and Jazz- 

High ponytail. 

*​Suggestion: Get a hair piece to match your dancers hair from Sallys or Hair Depot to put over a bun. This makes life a lot easier. Just make sure to bobbie pin it into the bun very good!  

All Other Classes (except Kinder Tap/Jazz)

They will have a center part down the middle of the head with a low ponytail and it can be curly or straight (whatever is easier)

*Unless the choreographer has given you other instructions

​Suggestion: Get a hair piece to match your dancers hair from Sallys or Hair Depot to put over a bun.

This makes life a lot easier. Just make sure to bobbie pin it into the bun very good!  

Make sure you sign up for the Remind 101 app. It will be very important come Recital Week! 

Text danc5678e to 81010

Please come with hair, make-up, stretched out and 1st costume on to the facility on Friday (dress rehearsal) and Saturday (show night​)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

  • 10:30   Doors Open to EVERYONE

  • 11:00   Competition Showcase/Limitless Dancers begins (these are all solos/duets and some groups) 

  • 11:30   All dancers report to facility

  • 12:00   ALL Dancers report to the stage to warm-up with;

    • 1st costume on 

    • hair done

    • make-up done

    • dance shoes on (unless Tap shoes, no tap shoes for warm-ups/stretching) 

  • 12:30   Dance Recital (aka Big Show) begins for all recreational dancers/dances and Limitless Company students

*Everyone is encouraged to come and watch our Competition Solo Showcase dancers at 11:00. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis. If you have a child that might be younger and feel this would be too long of a day for them, please make sure you are at the facility by 11:45 to find space, put all your dancers stuff down, put dance shoes on, and report to the stage by 12:30.  

Add a good luck saying to the program with their photo! You can also get money off your page by getting sponsors. 

Print the paperwork below

Great products for a great performance night! 

  • Note** If your Childs costumes has reds in it consider using red blush and lipstick. If the costume has pinks and/or purples please use plum lipstick and blush 

​​Budget Friendly Items​​

​​​​Here's all your Dance Recital information 2024!!

Recital will be Saturday, June 15

Competition Showcase and Limitless Dancers(featuring solos/duets/some groups) 11:00am

Recital 12:30pm

​Crestview Performing Arts Center 

​44100 Crestview Rd. 

Columbiana, OH 44408